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What Is a Crawl Budget and Should SEOs Worry about It?

NIDMM ~ Modified: June 23rd, 2023 ~ SEO ~ 5 Minutes Reading

What Is a Crawl Budget and Should SEOs Worry About It?

Do you know what is crawl budget?

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), crawl budget has become an important term.

It refers to the number of pages search engines are willing to crawl and index on a website within a specific timeframe. A crawl budget can have a significant impact on a website’s visibility in search results.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the concept of crawl budget, its importance for SEO, and whether SEOs should worry about it.

Understanding Crawl Budget

Search engines employ web crawlers, also known as spiders or bots, to discover and analyze web pages.

Crawling is the process of fetching web pages and adding them to search engine indexes. Crawl budget, however, refers to the resources allocated by search engines to crawl and index pages on a website effectively.

It determines how often search engines visit a site, how many pages are crawled per visit, and how deep the crawler goes into a website’s structure.

Crawl Budget Factors

Several factors influence crawl budget allocation:

1. Website Popularity

Highly popular websites tend to have larger crawl budgets. These sites generate more organic traffic and have a higher likelihood of frequently updating their content.

2. Site Size and Structure

The size and structure of a website play a crucial role in crawl budget allocation. Websites with a smaller number of pages and a shallow structure are generally easier to crawl and index. Large websites or those with complex structures may have a smaller crawl budget per page.

3. Site Performance

Search engines prioritize crawling websites that are fast and have good server response times. Websites with slow loading speeds or frequent downtime may experience a reduced crawl budget.

4. Duplicate or Low-Quality Content

Duplicate or low-quality content can negatively impact a website’s crawl budget. Search engines strive to provide users with unique and valuable content, so pages with duplicate or thin content may receive less crawling attention.

What counts against the crawl budget?

Several factors can affect a website’s crawl budget, and here are some common elements that count against it:

1. Duplicate or low-value content: Search engines prioritize unique and valuable content. If your website has a significant amount of duplicate content or pages with thin or low-quality content, it can negatively impact your crawl budget.

2. Infinite spaces or pagination: Websites with infinite scroll or pagination features, where content loads dynamically as the user scrolls or clicks through pages, can consume crawl budgets quickly. Search engines may not be able to crawl all the content in such cases.

3. URL parameters: Websites that use URL parameters excessively or have dynamic URLs 3. can result in search engines crawling and indexing multiple variations of the same page, which can waste the crawl budget.

4. Slow-loading pages: If your website has pages that load slowly, search engines may not be able to crawl as many pages within the allocated crawl budget. It’s crucial to optimize page speed to ensure efficient crawling.

5. Server issues and errors: If search engine crawlers encounter server errors or connectivity issues when accessing your website, it can hinder the crawling process and reduce the crawl budget.

6. Large or bloated XML sitemaps: XML sitemaps help search engines discover and index pages on your website. However, if your sitemap is excessively large or contains numerous low-value or duplicate URLs, it can impact your crawl budget negatively.

7. Nofollow and noindex directives: Pages that are marked with “nofollow” or “noindex” directives explicitly tell search engines not to crawl or index them. If these directives are used extensively, they can reduce the number of pages that search engines choose to crawl.

It’s important to note that the crawl budget is not a fixed number and can vary based on several factors, including the authority and quality of your website.

Optimizing your website’s structure, content quality, and technical aspects can help improve crawl efficiency and ensure that search engines focus on crawling your most important pages.

Should SEOs Worry about Crawl Budget?

While crawl budget is an important concept, not all websites need to worry about it. If your website is small, has a simple structure, and consistently publishes high-quality content, search engines will likely crawl and index your pages effectively.

However, larger websites or those with more complex structures might benefit from understanding and optimizing their crawl budget. By ensuring that important pages are easily accessible, internal linking is well-structured, and low-value or duplicate content is minimized, SEOs can improve their crawl budget allocation.

Optimizing crawl budget can lead to better indexation of important pages, quicker discovery of new content, and overall improved visibility in search results. SEOs should pay attention to crawl budgets if they want to maximize the impact of their optimization efforts.


Crawl budget plays a significant role in search engine optimization.

It determines how search engines crawl and index a website’s pages. While small websites with simple structures may not need to worry about crawl budget, larger websites can benefit from optimizing it.

By focusing on factors like website popularity, site size and structure, site performance, and content quality, SEOs can improve their crawl budget allocation and enhance their website’s visibility in search results. Understanding and optimizing crawl budgets is an essential aspect of modern SEO.