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Why Are Backlinks Important For SEO? Everything You Need To Know

NIDMM ~ Modified: November 11th, 2023 ~ SEO ~ 9 Minutes Reading

Whenever you would hear the term backlinks for SEO, you would have a question at the back of your mind are backlinks important for SEO?:

what backlink SEO? In simple terms, a backlink is created when one of the websites links to another. Backlinks are also known as inbound links or even incoming links.

Another question you would have at the back of your mind is why backlink is important, right? Backlinks are important for SEO because they represent the vote of confidence from one website to another.

In simple terms, backlinks to your website signal to all the search engines that others vouch for the content you are offering.

If several sites link to the same website, the search engines can interpret that the content is completely worth linking. So they are ranking on the search engine result pages.

This guide gives you a complete idea about the techniques you can use to earn backlinks.

How Can You Get Backlinks – Major Techniques

Here are some solid backlinking techniques you can follow:

Replicate The Competitor’s SEO Backlinks

You must understand who links to the competitors, which is a huge win. Are you concerned about your competitor’s backlinks? If yes, you are on the right path because competitor backlinks play a crucial role.

They are on websites relevant to your industry, so you would know that they are the quality backlinks for your SEO.

This can be a huge manual project. But there are different tools you can use to analyze the backlink profiles of the competitors. How can you check the competitor’s URL? Well, you do not need to do everything manually.

You can use a tool to enter the URL of your competitor’s company and check the backlinks. At the same time, the tool will audit your domain and generate the backlink profile, like the number of backlinks.

Try to Regain Your Missing Backlinks

Spend some time understanding the broken or missing backlinks besides getting new ones. Identifying the broken links is important.

Several reasons could explain the vanishing of the backlinks, and we have completely worked to regain them. Perhaps the website owner has replaced the link or the backlink page has disappeared, or the website is down for maintenance.

At the same time, the page might be restricted from indexing. You need to connect with the website owners and check with them for support to restore the missing backlink.

Depending on the problem, ask them to place the link on another web page if the previous one has been removed.

Update Your Previous Content

If you find the previous article has not been updated in some time, you must check how many backlinks leads have.

At the same time, if you are wondering if several publications are referring to the same content, you have your hands on a real gem. You can create a fresh piece of content with relevant information.

Once the content goes live, you can reach out to the journalists or the bloggers who have previously liked your old content.

You can sometimes see the outreach results through backlinks or social media shares in just a few days.

Furthermore, you need to know that there are other benefits also which come out of building their relationship first.

For example, you would collaborate on another project to help you grow the brand and traffic. While building the email outreach list, you can have a long-term benefit at the back of your mind and build a relationship instead of just focusing on the backlink.

Publish Your Ultimate Guide

We all know content is really important, don’t you agree? An ultimate guide is a content piece designed to be the best and one of the most comprehensive resources on any given topic. It covers a lot of information. You do not need to go elsewhere to learn about a topic.

Do you know what an ultimate guide is? Well, you need to know that the ultimate guide is all about adding a lot of content to one given topic. Like the ultimate guide to video marketing or the ultimate guide to content marketing. Wondering why they will attract inbound links or are backlinks important for SEO? yes it is.

These contents will attract inbound links because they will help the bloggers reference the concept they mention.

For example, if somebody writes an article titled how you can get started with SEO they would be focusing on a few tips and strategies. Without explaining any in-depth concept of what SEO is; instead, they will link to the SEO ultimate guide.

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Use Images to Earn Maximum Links and Mention

Did you know that due to the low retention span of the users, infographics do well? infographics are one of the best visual assets used to earn backlinks.

It is always great to experiment with the images. But if you feel infographics do not work well for the brand, you can try other visuals also, like charts and graphics.

Are you worried about how you will use the infographics? You do not need to look any further, as you can check out other brands and how they use infographics for backlinking.

Checkout Directories

Regardless of What you have heard, you need to know that Directories are not dead. They are one of the best ways to enhance your local SEO, and you can also have potential customers find your business with this.

The directories you need to be are the ones people use, including Google My Business and trip advisor.

Beyond the prominent ones, there are others specific to the industry that can help your rankings and traffic.

Connect With All The Industry Experts

Engaging with other people in the industry is one of the best ways to get backlinks for your website and are backlinks important for SEO is what the answer is. For instance, you can join some relevant Facebook groups or start conversations, including discussions and share their relevant links.

Types of Backlinking Methods:

Guest Posts

Guest blogging is a type of writing where You would be drafting an article as a guest author on another person’s website having a link back to the website. High-quality guest bloggers write content on other blogs in the given sector that are relevant and genuinely insightful.

Google supports the policy of guest blogging if the content is completely valuable and aims to provide helpful information to users.

Google has warned against high-volume and low-quality guest hosting publicly. They can detect any kind of spam link featured in the articles referred to as contributor posts or partner posts.

The key is to build a guest post link where you must avoid creating connections just for link placement.

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Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is ideal for link-building features users save links to the web pages that they want to keep for sharing or even later.

These bookmarks are made public on different bookmarking sites or networks or even private domains. There is no value in bookmarking site link building.

Due to Google’s creation of no follow links, this is an old-school method that is currently obsolete.

Profile Creation

Some websites depend on the design that will give the users the ability to create useful content and profile. It is completely possible to add an external hyperlink in the profile section which will point back to the website of the user.

If the user profile links across autogenerated or unnatural Google has made it clear that they will not hesitate to take any type of action.

Are backlinks important for SEO, as a result of the huge scale of profile linking, search engines may overlook websites participating in large profile linking as unnatural link acquisitions. Few profile links here and there, however, are perfectly acceptable.

Forum Commenting

Online forums are discussion boards for online communities to come together and talk about different subjects and issues which are relevant to the common interest. Forums are accessible and free to join.

Forum links are when the member of the forum uses the platform for placement of the link in the profile link or even the post link.

Google is strongly against the platform’s exploitation for the main purpose of website promotion and backlink building. At times there is a genuine reason to point to a link to a website in the forum discussion.

Testimonial and Review Backlinks

Link building uses two types of backlink reviews. It happens when you write a review for someone else and post it on their website as a testimonial with a backlink to your site.

The second one would be the review that a customer leaves for the product or service on the platform that will include a link to your website.

Website Footer Links

Footer links are the ones that are placed on the footer of a page. Considering the footer text is ideally consistent sitewide you are rich footer links were an exploitation point for several years. Today overused footer links are likely to result in Google penalties.

Google has made it clear that footer links are not beneficial for the ranking system, but you need to know that not all footer links are bad.

If you do not want to use the footer text to link to the website or others, then avoid rich anchor text and use branded anchor text instead of that.

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Links from Infographics

Infographics are informative or educational images that highlight data or research. By creating a great-looking image and having others share it, you can build these links.

Every time somebody shares the infographic whether it is on social media or websites you are right and tribulation as the creator.

Building infographics for the links is one of the best ways provided you focus on the design of a great infographic. It means ensuring the data is accurate, desktop-focused, and relevant.


Link building is here to stay, and if you fail to adapt to any of the ever-changing rules and increased requirements of the skills and details. Consider using all the tips mentioned above to create a great backlink for your website and I hope you get your answer of are backlinks important for SEO then the answer is yes.

We are sure if you follow the above techniques, your backlink game will become stronger which will have a direct impact on SEO. right?! Happy backlinking to all!