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The Beginner’s Guide to Advertising on Facebook

NIDMM ~ Published: September 5th, 2023 ~ Social Media ~ 8 Minutes Reading

Do you know about advertising on Facebook?

One of the earliest social media platforms still in use is Facebook, which has evolved into a key part of the Meta machine. According to Statista, Facebook is the most popular social network and where individuals spend the most time daily, with close to 3 billion users.

While there’s no denying that Facebook is currently in charge, no king ever reigns invincibly. Future concerns for the network include the rise of TikTok, exposure surrounding security breaches, and a lack of content control on Facebook.

The fact that the platform has so many users and a broad audience does not imply that marketers should stop using it. But in order to properly market to your target demographic, you must understand Facebook’s advantages and how to use it.

In this blog post, we’ll learn all about on how to do advertising on Facebook.

Read more: How to Target Audience on Facebook? Learn Masterful Strategies

Facebook: Why Use It?

Let’s look at Facebook’s user base and popularity after talking about why certain people like it over other social networking sites.

You are well aware as a marketer of the different reasons why people access and utilize social media. For instance, Instagram users look for engaging material or updates from famous people. In contrast, a sizable majority of Facebook users use the platform to connect with loved ones, exchange content, and watch videos. There will obviously be overlap across the many social media sites that individuals use on a regular basis, but it’s important to understand what each user’s goals are.


Facebook’s targeting options should also be considered in advertising on Facebook.  Through the network, advertisers may target customers at any point in their journey by selecting awareness, consideration, or conversion goals. Using an existing email list, clientele, or online audience as a starting point, B2B marketers can also generate lookalike audiences.

There are also many various types of ads, like as sponsored posts, videos, stories, and carousels. Additionally, because you can target your audience so accurately, it is less expensive because only the people you want to see your advertisements will do so.

It’s also vital to mention that Facebook is great for monitoring the performance of advertisements. Depending on the format, you may monitor user behaviors before they leave the network (such reach and ad engagement) as well as off-Facebook results (like revenue and conversions).

So, how can a beginner use Facebook effectively. Learn more about this in social media marketing course.

5 Tips for Advertising on Facebook

Since Facebook is a flexible platform with a wide range of ad alternatives, it’s crucial to have a solid strategy before investing any money! Here’s how to set things up so you can design advertising on Facebook that will work successfully on the platform, step by step.

1) Develop a Plan

You’ll need a plan to assist you achieve your social marketing goals as part of your larger digital marketing strategy, much as a business plan provides your roadmap to reaching your business goals and milestones.

You shouldn’t just launch a Facebook advertising campaign with the broad goal of “growing my business.” Determine your company’s objectives, the areas you wish to improve, and the strategies that will help you achieve these goals. In other words, having a strong ‘plan of attack’ is necessary if you want to succeed.

So in order to create a plan, you must start with the fundamentals:

  • What good or service are you attempting to market?
  • What age group are you aiming for?
  • Which channel is your target market using?
  • How do consumers find your goods or services online?
  • What sets you apart?

These straightforward inquiries will help you identify your goals and the most effective ways to attain them. For instance, if your company sells workout equipment, Facebook’s demography will be ideal since the majority of its users are men between the ages of 25 and 34 (almost 18%).

2) Inform Facebook of your desires

Facebook’s advertising features are user-friendly. However, you won’t get the most out of it unless you are clear about your objectives.

As an illustration, you could want to promote a video that links visitors to a special landing page. Facebook has constraints that can achieve this objective. Or perhaps you wish to advertise a free downloadable in order to get more leads. Facebook has special procedures in place for this too.

The key is picking the appropriate campaign objective. Depending on the customer’s journey stage, there are three options available: awareness, contemplation, and conversion.


Make sure you clearly understand what you want to accomplish and select the appropriate criteria so Facebook understands what you want in order to save money and time. Nothing is worse than spending money without giving it much thought.

3) Focus on a Smaller Audience

Since we just discussed Facebook’s fantastic targeting options, let’s take a deeper look.

Choosing from the following options on Facebook makes it straightforward to see who you want to target in terms of transparency:

  • followers or admirers
  • Behaviours or Interests of Friends of Fans
  • Remarketing

Like most social media platforms, Facebook enables demographic targeting based on variables like age, location, and gender.

Then there are targeting options that are more sophisticated and allow for customization depending on wealth or education.

You might target those who have completed college, make a middle salary, are parents, and enjoy music, for instance. (For a list of all the options, see this infographic from Wordstream.)

Additionally, you might focus on the audiences of your clients. You may then retarget clients who have previously connected with your brand using your own data, such as that from a website or app, or Facebook’s data, which comes from people connecting with your brand on the network.

The lookalike audiences on Facebook are a fantastic benefit. This enables you to pick an existing audience that Facebook will classify and analyze in order to locate users who exhibit behaviors that are similar to those on that list.

4) Pick Your Ad Location

It’s time to choose where you will run your advertising now that you are clear on what you want to accomplish and who you are attempting to target.

Simple marketing minds may opt for the “scorched earth tactic,” which involves hammering everything in sight. However, we think that accuracy will help you achieve greater results.

There are numerous ad alternatives available on Meta (which includes Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger).

Facebook feed: advertisements will show up in users’ desktop and mobile feeds.

Facebook Marketplace: Ads will display between organic videos in video-only placements or on the Marketplace site when viewing Facebook video feeds.

Facebook right column: The platform’s right column will display adverts.

Facebook business explorer: When a user taps on a post header or a remark in the mobile version of Facebook Business Explore.

Messenger inbox: Ads are visible on Messenger’s home page.

People’s Facebook Stories contain advertisements.

Facebook Reels – advertisements show up in the Reels tab

Facebook’s in-stream videos feature: advertisements that also display in video-on-demand and a restricted number of authorised partner live broadcasts.

Facebook searches: Ads appear next to relevant Facebook and Marketplace search results in the results of Facebook searches.

Your ad’s placement will rely on its audience, budget, and type of content.

5. Establish Your Budget

You would assume that you would take this into account right away, but in reality, you probably won’t want to do so until you’ve sorted through all the other factors.

There are numerous criteria to do this on Facebook, and it will give you the option of how much you’re willing to spend on your advertising. Therefore, consider how you want to use your Facebook advertising money. Are you considering creating a budget for a campaign’s lifecycle? Is this an insight-gathering A/B test? Do you prefer to set a daily spending limit? You might want to specify specific requirements for when advertising run and then charge for the use of those ads.

Also read: What is Influencer Marketing and How to use them for Brand Promotion


In conclusion, because to its enormous user base and a variety of targeting choices, Facebook continues to rule the field of social media advertising. Beginners must, however, approach Facebook advertising wisely. Marketers may fully utilize the power of this robust platform by creating precise goals, picking the best campaign objectives etc. Staying educated and adjusting to new trends will be essential for long-term success in the fiercely competitive field of Facebook advertising as the digital environment continues to change.