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How To Write SEO Friendly Content (Beginner To Advanced)

NIDMM ~ Modified: November 20th, 2023 ~ Content Marketing, SEO ~ 6 Minutes Reading

Are you interested in crafting SEO-friendly content?

Mastering this art can significantly elevate your blog or writing career to new heights. While anyone can write an article, the real skill lies in producing SEO-optimized content that can enhance your visibility on search engines.

In this blog, we will learn some valuable tips for creating articles that are finely tuned for SEO and have the potential to rank higher in search engine results.

Each blog post holds a similar significance to a web page when it comes to search engine ranking. It enables you to optimize every post with targeted keywords for better visibility on search engines.

When crafting these SEO-friendly articles, there are several essential factors to bear in mind.

Read more- Link Building Strategies in SEO – Full Explanation

Tips For Writing SEO Friendly Content

Now, we are going to learn some tips that you can use in writing a SEO-friendly content.

TIP 1: Start Doing Research For SEO Friendly Content

If you genuinely aim to achieve impactful results for yourself or your clients, conducting research is crucial; otherwise, you’re merely guessing blindly.

During this stage, there are several aspects to consider:

  • Targeted keyword: Identify the specific keyword you want to focus on.
  • Article length: Determine the ideal length for your article.
  • Article type: Decide on the type or format of the article you intend to create.
  • Analyzing existing articles: Examine other articles on the same topic to create a structured outline.
  • Addressing common questions: Incorporate relevant “People Also Ask” questions into your content.

For a head start, do yourself a favor and utilize a reliable research tool. Many tools offer free trials, which can significantly assist you in conducting thorough topic research and effectively optimizing your keywords. This way, you’ll gain valuable insights into the right keywords to target.

TIP 2: Intent for Keyword Search in SEO Friendly Content

Enter your target keyword into Google search to examine the types of articles currently ranking. This step is a crucial part of your research and will provide insights into the kind of content that Google considers most relevant for such queries.

While conducting this search, you might observe certain patterns in the search results. For instance, specific queries may predominantly display listicles, as depicted in the screenshot below:


TIP 3: Determine The Optimal Length For The Article

Determining the ideal length of an article is a key aspect of crafting SEO-friendly content. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, striking the right balance is essential.

A well-researched and comprehensive article that covers the topic in-depth tends to perform better in search engine rankings. However, it’s crucial to maintain the reader’s engagement and not overstuff the content with unnecessary fluff. Aim for a length that thoroughly addresses the subject, offers value to the audience, and keeps them hooked from start to finish.

TIP 4: Scouts- People Also Ask

When you search for your target keyword on Google, you’ll notice a section called “People Also Ask.”


Select the questions that align with the intent of your article and incorporate them into your content. However, don’t stop there; when you click on one of the questions in the “People Also Ask” section, Google will display additional related questions. Make sure to address these supplementary questions as well to provide comprehensive and valuable information to your readers.

Employing this clever approach ensures that your SEO-optimized content effectively addresses the specific queries people are actively searching for.

TIP 5: Always Use Headlines and Sub-headers

Incorporating headlines and sub-headers in your content serves multiple purposes for SEO optimization. Firstly, it enhances the skimmability of your writing, making it easier for readers to consume the information. When content is easily scannable, people are more inclined to share it since it offers a user-friendly reading experience.

Likewise, search engine robots benefit from the presence of headlines and sub-headers on your website. As they crawl through your content, these headers help them comprehend the structure and significance of different sections. By identifying the most critical parts, the robots can better grasp the essence of your content.

Furthermore, having headers and sub-headers contributes to keyword saturation, potentially enhancing your SEO. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and avoid overusing them solely to manipulate search engine rankings. Focus on maintaining a natural and meaningful flow of content while strategically incorporating keywords for genuine optimization.

TIP 6: Add Links To The Previous Content

Search engines utilize the number of backlinks a piece of content receives as a factor in determining its ranking. High-quality content often garners numerous backlinks, both from external and internal sources.

To drive traffic and elevate the ranking of your older content, it’s vital not to overlook linking to them from your newer posts. This practice aids search engine robots and readers in discovering your best articles efficiently.

Moreover, incorporating links to reputable websites enhances the credibility and validity of your own website, consequently boosting your page’s position in search results.

Additionally, integrating credible sources within your text establishes trust with your readers, further enhancing the overall quality and reliability of your content.

TIP 7: Optimize Your Images

Incorporating images into your content is crucial for making it engaging and shareable. Websites with appealing and relevant photos are more likely to attract potential customers.

To optimize the images for SEO, consider adding relevant keywords to the image files and providing descriptive ALT tags.

Additionally, it’s essential to optimize the size of the photos. Overly large images can slow down the website’s load time, negatively impacting SEO performance.

To strike the right balance, aim to make the images as small as possible without compromising visibility or quality. Many image editors offer built-in features for this purpose. Alternatively, you can use the Squoosh app, a free tool that efficiently resizes and compresses image files, helping you achieve optimal image sizes for your content.

TIP 8:  Write High-Quality Content

While it may seem obvious, it’s surprising how often this principle is overlooked. The most effective approach to captivate readers and encourage engagement is by crafting content that is both informative and entertaining. Search engines value websites with high-quality and relevant content, making quality the paramount factor on the list of considerations.


Once you have a solid concept in mind for your writing style and content structure, you can further enhance the writing process by leveraging the following tools to simplify and improve your work.

Final Words

In conclusion, crafting SEO-friendly content is an art that can significantly elevate your blog or writing career. By following the tips provided in this guide, you can create articles that rank higher in search engine results and attract more readers.