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5 Best Practices for Landing Pages: Full Guide

NIDMM ~ Published: September 23rd, 2023 ~ Web Design ~ 6 Minutes Reading

A landing page’s objective is to cultivate potential clients who aren’t yet prepared to make a purchase and to show how your business offers a special benefit in that field. A page like this is crucial if you want to increase the sales of your product or service, improve client satisfaction, and attract new consumers rapidly with alluring offers. 

In this article, we will learn what is landing page and what are the top practices for great landing pages.

What are Landing Pages?

A landing page is a single web page that has been designed with a specific goal in mind. You may install tracking settings on a landing page to monitor user activity. The majority of landing pages accomplish one of the following five goals:

1. Inspire visitors to click (to visit a new page, whether on your own website or one on another).

2. induce a visitor to make a purchase.

3. Persuade a visitor to allow you to contact them later (by phone, email, etc.).

4. Request a client to refer a friend to your products or services.

5. Encourage visitors to share their thoughts or pick up new information. To accomplish this, you might write a comment or give one of your products or services a rating.

When visitors via organic search, PPC adverts, social media ads, or promotional emails click on your landing page, they are indicating interest in the specific value proposition or product. A landing page won’t be enough to persuade a customer to make a purchase, though. 

To encourage conversions and ultimately purchases, you might arrange the data in specific ways. Following these five guidelines can help you develop landing pages that entice more visitors and increase their interest signals. Learn more about the landing pages in our web design course.

Top Practices For Great Landing Pages

1. Craft a Perfect Headline

Most users will read your landing pages headline before reading the content because it is the first thing they see. Therefore, it’s crucial to craft catchy headlines. 

To do that, stay away from headlines that are unclear or inaccurately summarize your content. First and foremost, make sure you present your material in a style that is interesting, succinct, and visually appealing. Second, make sure the title accurately describes the advantages of your product. If this occurs, users will be more likely to stay on the page and take the call to action.

Thirdly, remember that an optimized page title (including a keyword you are pursuing) may also assist in improving your search engine positioning (for advice, see this guide to YouTube SEO and ranking). A keyword-optimized indexed landing page on your website increases its exposure for that specific query.

For a smooth user experience, make sure your landing page’s title always corresponds with the headline of your email, advertisement, SEO content, etc. 

Top Tip: H1 and H2 tags in SEO-Full Guide

2. Build Separate Landing Pages

Your landing pages content should closely match the title and body material before a user clicks on it.  The term “message match” refers to the process of “[…] matching the heading of your landing page with the headline of the ad or other piece of marketing that your visitor clicked.” 

Message matching is a key component of a great user experience. Furthermore, as most B2C organizations produce and disseminate a lot of content across several categories and product types, directing customers to your homepage or a different product page from your promotional sites won’t allow that message to line up correctly.

3. Use Images Carefully

65% of people recall information when it is delivered with relevant images, compared to only 10% of people who simply hear it. As a result, it’s crucial to add a picture of someone using your product or service or a picture of what visitors will receive if they convert on your landing page.

Be cautious though. Always employ graphics to boost conversions as opposed to rerouting website traffic. Your images should inspire readers to take action while also being distinctive, eye-catching, and properly positioned. A quick instructional video can also help to enhance conversion rates if that’s the route you want to go. The equipment and software that are easily available now also make it easier to make amazing movies without having to pay a professional. 

4. Craft Engaging CTAs

The most crucial element of any landing page is your call-to-action (CTA) button since it’s how new leads are added to your database. Without this button, you won’t attract prospective new consumers, which diminishes the significance of the remaining material and graphics on your website. Your conversion rate may go up by tens or even hundreds of percentage points when you use great CTAs, which have three essential components.

You must persuade visitors to click on the CTA button because they must feel obligated to do so. Avoid dull or ambiguous text like “submit” or “get started” and focus on engaging, individualized material such as “Send me the eBook” or “Get my free trial.” Make it very apparent to the user what they will receive if they click the button.

Your button’s CTA color should contrast with the items around it to get the most attention possible. To determine which colors are most effective for your company, do A/B testing. It’s crucial to avoid making assumptions based on “best practices” that could not apply to you because preferences can frequently differ by industry and persona. Having said that, it’s usually advisable to keep your page’s color and the items on it to the left of the color wheel below (green, blue, and purple), and use contrasting colors for your CTA button(s).

5. Don’t Overcomplicate Your Forms

Your conversions might die because of a badly designed lead capture form. In order to claim an offer, prospects don’t want to spend a lot of time disclosing a lot of personal information. Don’t ask for more information than you really need; consumers often voluntarily provide more information after they sign up as clients.

Split testing, often known as A/B testing, compares two landing pages to evaluate which works better for your campaigns. This can help with form design as it demonstrates how much data a consumer is prepared to provide. Too many fields may discourage users. To make your landing pages more effective, use our A/B testing toolbox. 

Final words

In summary, Landing pages are essential for converting visitors who might not be prepared to make a purchase. It highlights how your company has distinct advantages in a field and can have a big impact on the sales of your goods or services, boost customer happiness, and draw in new customers with attractive promotions.