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Google Ads Checklist – A Comprehensive Guide

NIDMM ~ Modified: August 1st, 2023 ~ Tools ~ 5 Minutes Reading

Do you know about the Google Ads checklist?

Deciding where to allocate your marketing budget is always a daunting task. However, analyzing the statistics can help you determine the most promising digital advertising platform.

Google Ads presents remarkable metrics, attracting a massive audience of more than 270 million unique visitors. Additionally, it records an impressive average of over 4.8 billion daily interactions.

By creating a comprehensive Google Ads checklist, you can effectively reach your target audiences and tap into new customer bases whenever they engage with Google properties through searches, browsing, and watching content.

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In this article, we will delve into the world of Google Ads, covering everything from getting started to the advantages it offers, along with a Google Ads checklist.

What Are Google Ads?

Developed by Google, Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) is an internet advertising platform.

It empowers businesses to design and showcase their advertisements across Google’s extensive network, which encompasses the search engine, websites, mobile apps, and other online platforms.

The main objective of Google Ads is to assist businesses in efficiently reaching their target audience and effectively promoting their products or services.

How to Set Up Google Ads Checklist?

Setting up a Google Ads campaign requires careful planning and execution to achieve the best results. Here’s the Google Ads checklist to guide you through the process:

1. Set Budget And Goals

To begin with, we are in the process of determining the objective of our Google Ads campaign.

Before proceeding, we need to ascertain the available budget and the intended duration for the campaign.

The primary aim of this campaign is to establish a maximum cost per conversion, which can pertain to a sale, lead, or any other priority defined on our website.

To ensure optimal optimization, we must adhere to a single goal per Google Ads campaign. Combining multiple goals in one campaign may lead to conflicting objectives. If there are additional goals we wish to achieve, we should create a separate campaign within the same Google Ads account, focusing solely on the new objective.

2. Decide On The Campaign Structure

Your campaign structure should align with your personal preferences, similar to organizing files in a folder structure.

While keywords and ads form the foundation of your campaign, how you structure them within campaigns and ad groups can significantly benefit your campaign’s performance.

Take advantage of the flexibility provided – there are no limits to the number of ad groups and campaigns you can create. It’s encouraged to generate multiple ad groups. Doing so allows you to craft more relevant ad copies for each ad group and gain better control over when Google triggers your keywords. This creates a win-win situation, enhancing your campaign’s effectiveness.

3.  Build Your Keyword List

As previously highlighted, our keywords serve as the foundation of our campaigns. The entire structure of your account is designed to maximize the performance of these keywords, ensuring they deliver the best results possible.

  • Create a large keyword list
  •  Group keywords into ad groups
  • Use different match types

4. Use Negative Keywords

In order to avoid your ads from being triggered in irrelevant searches, incorporating negative keywords is crucial.

Building a comprehensive negative keyword list becomes particularly important when using broad match and negative keywords extensively. It helps fine-tune your targeting and ensures your ads are displayed to the most relevant audience, thereby improving the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

By incorporating this negative keyword list into your campaigns, your ads will be excluded from appearing to users who include these specific terms in their search queries. This strategic approach will enable you to concentrate on attracting clicks from potential customers with higher conversion potential.

5. Write Your First Ad Copies

Your ad copies are the sole elements of your campaigns visible to potential customers. Ensuring they appeal to your audience while adhering to best practices is crucial.

  • Use the target keyword in each ad copy
  • Use different landing pages for each
  • Create an ad testing structure

6. Tweak the campaign settings

Regrettably, relying solely on the default settings of Google Ads may not always be optimal for your campaigns. It is crucial to thoroughly review these settings and make necessary adjustments before launching your campaigns.

For a cautious approach, we recommend commencing with the settings that have proven to be the most effective. Remember, you can always make changes and expand your approach as you progress in your campaign.

  • Make sure that the Campaign Type is set to Search Network Only.
  • Turn off search partners
  • Turn off mobile bid adjustments.
  • Select the appropriate language for language targeting.
  • Set the location targeting to the correct location.

7. Add Ad Extensions

Utilizing ad extensions is a cost-free way to enhance your ad’s presence on the search engine, increasing the chances of attracting more clicks.

While not all ad extensions may be suitable for your specific business, incorporating extensions like sitelinks and callouts can benefit any business.

Furthermore, ad extensions play a crucial role in improving your campaigns’ Quality Score, making it a straightforward decision to include them in your advertising strategy.

8. Setup Conversion Tracking

The beauty of PPC lies in its trackability, allowing you to monitor various metrics. You can access data on impressions, clicks, ad spend, and ultimately, the number of leads or sales generated.

While most of this data is automatically available on the dashboard upon launching your campaigns, setting up conversion tracking (for leads/sales, etc.) requires manual configuration.

Google offers two convenient methods to facilitate accurate measurement of your results.

  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking Code
  • Google Analytics Tracking Code


In summary, achieving a successful Google Ads campaign necessitates meticulous planning, strategic execution, and ongoing optimization. By following the Google Ads checklist, you can maximize your campaign’s potential and reach your target audience effectively.